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We are excited to announce our new S.O.S (Shelter Outreach & Support) Program and we need your help to make it successful! Help us reach more animals in medical need at the shelter by donatingfostering, and volunteering.

What Is S.O.S.?

Mazie’s Mission aims to save even more lives with our new Shelter Outreach & Support Program, S.O.S., which is designed to save animals in a critical medical state who are in line to be euthanized. Municipal shelters have little budget to care for injured, or sick animals in need of medical care or costly medicines. Shelters often rely on rescue groups to take such animals, but some cases are so severe even rescue groups cannot afford to accept those animals. 


As part of S.O.S., Mazie’s Mission provides much-needed medical care for the ailing animals who would otherwise be euthanized because of their respective conditions. All that is required is a nominal fee paid by the shelter and a foster home. When the animal returns to good health, they enter the municipal shelter’s adoption program and the shelter subsequently collects the adoption fee. Everyone wins and our mission to save lives is accomplished.

Mazie’s Mission believes every life is worth saving and has always aimed to treat animals with special needs by offering rescue groups veterinary services at a reduced cost.  S.O.S. is an extension of our mission and will help us save more special needs animals, provide care to those who would not have had a chance, and continue to reduce the overall euthanasia rate in North Texas. As always, Mazie’s Mission needs your help to continue to save the lives of animals in need. In order for us to help more animals and shelters, we will rely on donations, fosters, and volunteers.

Shelters & S.O.S.

We are excited to announce our first two S.O.S. program partners, Lewisville Animal Shelter and Irving Animal Shelter.  The Lewisville and Irving Animal Shelters and faculty are committed, as we are, to saving as many animal lives as possible. We can’t do this without your help so please consider donating to this cause. If you have the heart to foster an animal who needs medical care, please contact us.