We’re Moving!
And we need your help! Don’t worry, we’ve got the heavy lifting taken care of. Help us raise $65,000 for our upcoming expansion to Carrollton, Texas in the spring of 2019. Your donations will go towards all the necessary new medical equipment and supplies that help us take care of our furry friends. Below is a comprehensive list of sponsorship levels as well as items your donations will go towards.
Our New Address Will Be:
2501 Hebron Pkwy STE 200 Carrollton 75010
Where will your donation go?
Surgery table
Dual surgery light
Single surgery light
Bair Hugger (pet warming system)
IV pump (x 3)
Surgivet monitor (anesthesia monitoring equipment)
Surgivet monitor roll stand
Surgical instrument stand
Narcotic safe
Apron and Glove rack
Treatment Area
Overhead light
Wet table for dental procedures
Exam table
Syringe pump
IV stands (x 2)
Cage-mounted IV stand (x 4)
Patient Holding
Isolation Cages
ICU Cages
General Population Cages
Computers (x 2)
VIA upgrade (veterinary software)
Dymo Label printer (x 2)
Phones/Pager system
Headsets (x 3)